Our Community

Smusht is a small neighborhood business through and through. When you walk into the shop, you’ll most likely see our founder (and Port Washington resident), Steve Edelson, in the back making ice cream, or behind the counter taking cookies out of the oven and offering samples of his delicious creations.

We support and partner with local businesses whenever possible. From supporting resident artists and web developers to procuring ingredients, we make it a priority to keep it local. “Main Street” is the heart of a vibrant community, and it’s important to us that we play our part in helping it thrive.

We are proud to be part of a community with so many organizations dedicated to helping those in need and improving the area where we live. Although we are unable to donate to every organization that makes a request, we always try our best. If you are having a fundraiser or charity event that needs support, please email us at info@smusht.com and we’ll be sure to respond within 72 hours.

We primarily focus our support in three areas:

  • Local schools and youth organizations

  • Organizations that service and support the advancement of special needs children

  • Organizations that focus on equity and opportunity

Some of the organizations we support: